=2025年1月3日,FastMoss发布了行业报告《2024年度TikTok生态发展白皮书》(以下简称"白皮书")。白皮书一经发布,在行业内迅速传播,超百家行业媒体竞相报道转载,产生了极大的行业影响力,引起大家在社群及朋友圈广泛转发与讨论。其中,FastMoss邀请到了TikTok美区头部带货达人Angie Roman,以达人的视角对TikTok生态进行了全方位的解读,对"航海家"们关心的热点问题进行了一一解答。
Angie Roman
Q:A brief introduction to the @angiexroman
A:During the pandemic, I had lost my job, and with nothing else to do, I started posting about myself online to have some fun and find a sense of community. Little did I know, people were really interested in my routines—how I did my hair, makeup, and little things about my life.
I began sharing my daily routines, like hair care and makeup, and my platform grew organically. I didn't have to do much besides sharing what I did regularly, and people loved it. That's how it all started for me.
Q:FastMoss has recognized you as a top creator in 2024, generating over $4 million in GMV and an average of over $200,000 per month. We're keen to understand how AngieRoman selects products. What factors do you prioritize when choosing a product? What kind of product do you believe your audience would love? And how do you determine whether a product can increase your following and GMV?
A:I use the Creator Search Insights tool, which shows me what my followers are searching for. For example, my followers often look for hair tools, shapewear, underwear, and beauty or fashion products. If I see a gap in what's available, I create content to fill that gap. The platform pushes videos more when you provide what followers are already looking for.
I also focus on things I use in my everyday life. If I wear something often, people naturally ask about it, so it becomes easy to share. Since my audience trusts my opinions, the products I share tend to perform well. I always prioritize pleasing my followers because they drive my engagement and success.
Q:We've noticed that some of your products, like the body sculpting shapewear video that garnered 500k views and nearly 20k sales, have performed exceptionally well. Do you actively encourage viewers to make a purchase in your videos? What's your strategy for creating a viral video?
A:My main goal is to grab attention quickly. I'll often start with something funny, a bold statement, or anything that makes people stop and listen. Within the first two seconds, I explain why they should consider the product.
For fashion or shapewear, I look at it from a woman's perspective—focusing on confidence, looking sexy, and presenting well in certain angles. Understanding what will attract buyers and addressing those desires in the video helps drive purchases.
Q:When collaborating with other creators, do you lean towards brands offering higher commissions or larger brands with potentially lower commissions? Considering the numerous shapewear brands, what criteria do you use to select your partners? What kind of collaboration terms and email content would make you more inclined to partner with a brand?
A:When brands reach out, I check if they've taken the time to understand my content and performance. I value creative freedom—it's important that the video feels like my content while still promoting their product. If brands push too rigid scripts, the video often doesn't perform well because it loses authenticity.
I also choose products I use regularly and trust because they are easier to promote. Many of those products are already on TikTok Shop, so it simplifies my selection process.
Q:You've collaborated extensively with apparel brands like Hsia-Bras, FeelinGirl LLC, and rose lemon-us. Could you share what you admire about these brands and why they've become popular choices among creators, including yourself?
A:These brands stand out because they're inclusive, offering a wide size range. They're affordable compared to other brands but still deliver great quality—I even wear their products daily without needing to promote them.
They also offer excellent customer service, free shipping, and an overall positive purchase experience for customers. For me, trust is everything—if I promote something, I want my audience to be happy with it. I cho.........
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