排灯节(Diwali Festival),又称万灯节或者屠妖节,在每年10月或11月举行,2024年的排灯节在10月31日。排灯节在印度是非常重要的全国性节日,象征"以光明驱走黑暗,以善良战胜邪恶",对于印度教徒的意义,相当于圣诞节对于基督教徒的意义、春节对中国人的意义。
1. As the Festival of Lights fills theair with joy and brightness, may your career shine as brightly as the lamps of Diwali, and may your home and life be filledwith laughter and warmth. May this festival bring you endless happiness and prosperity.Wishing you and your family a very Happy Diwali!
2. May the glow of Diwali light up your path to the future, bringing not just brightness but also health, wealth, and success. At this auspicious moment, may your life be as colorful as the festival's fireworks. Wishing you and your family a Happy Diwali!
3. Diwali is a time to celebrate the victory of light over darkness, good over evil. May this festival bring the light of hope into your life, dispelling all gloom, and filling your days with sunshine and laughter. Wishing you and your family a Happy Diwali, and may your life be as bright as the lamps of Diwali forever.
4. As the vibrant and joyful Festival of Lights unfolds, may each of your dreams light up your path like the festival's lamps, and may each of your wishes burst like the festival's fireworks. Wishing you and your family a Happy Diwali, and may this festival bring you endless joy and wonderful times.
5. May the light .............
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