-- 危险操作,处理前记得先备份数据库
1 declare @sql varchar(500),@tbname varchar(100) 2 begin 3 4 -- 创建游标 5 declare cursor_item cursor fast_forward for select [name] from sysobjects where xtype='U' AND id in(select id from syscolumns where name='myColumnName' and colstat=0 ) 6 open cursor_item;--打开游标 7 while 1=1 --开始循环 8 begin 9 fetch next from cursor_item into @tbname; --赋值到变量中10 if(@@fetch_status!=0) break;--如果没有结果退出循环
1112 -- 拼接修改字段的SQL语句13 set @sql = 'alter table '+@tbname+' alter column myColumnName int NULL'14 15 -- 执行拼接的SQL16 exec(@sql);17 18 end19 close cursor_item --关闭游标20 deallocate cursor_item21 22 end;
syscolumns 保存列信息的系统表
sysobjects 保存表信息的系统表
colstat=0 表示查询非自增长标识列
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